How to Become a Better Storyteller EP14
How to Become a Better Storyteller EP14
Perry Lam, Founder and CEO of Lam Institute
"Don't begin with the S-word"
Are you a good storyteller? When we think we are telling a story, is it really a story or is it more commentary, assertions?
"Never start with the S-word." That's a big no-no for storytelling. The word 'story' instigates people to prematurely critique the different permutations that comes with it before you even share it.
In this episode, I chat with Perry Lam to learn about the power of storytelling and how it can be used to build relationships and humanity. Perry highlights the key elements (time-marker, place-marker, events and characters ...) of good storytelling in order to deliver the Contents, Context and Emotions and provides examples of where people tend to get it wrong.

Perry is an executive coach to CEOs and also trains young talents and TEDx speakers on storytelling. He was a Regional Director at DHL where he looked after all the country sales director in Asia Pacific and also launched DHL's first "Sales Force Academy and Leadership Center".