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Why Our Brains Like To Be Distracted

Choosing Between Positive and Negative Distractions

July 17, 2023

Distractions are a part of daily life. We encounter them at work, at home, and even when we're trying to relax. While distractions can be both positive and negative, it's important to understand the difference between the two and how they can affect our ability to focus, achieve mastery, and lead a fulfilling life.

Positive Distractions

Negative distractions, on the other hand, are activities that take us away from our goals and responsibilities. They can include things like social media, television, or video games. Negative distractions can be detrimental because they can lead to procrastination, decreased productivity, and even addiction.

Our brain is wired to seek out new and interesting things. This is because our brain's reward system is activated by dopamine, a chemical that is released when we experience something pleasurable or rewarding. When we encounter something that is new or interesting, our brain releases dopamine, which makes us feel good and encourages us to seek out more of that experience.

Managing our distractions is essential for achieving mastery and leading a fulfilling life. By incorporating positive distractions into our routine and minimizing negative distractions, we can improve our ability to focus, be productive, and achieve our goals.

One way to manage our distractions is to create a schedule or routine that includes specific times for positive distractions, such as exercise or a hobby. By scheduling these activities into our day, we can ensure that we're taking breaks when we need them, but also staying on track with our responsibilities.

Another way to manage our distractions is to limit our exposure to negative distractions, such as social media and other digital technologies. This can involve setting limits on our screen time, turning off notifications, and being mindful of when and how we use these technologies.

Raising Children in a Digital World

As parents and caregivers, it's important to be mindful of how we expose our children to digital technologies. Research has shown that excessive screen time can have negative effects on children's cognitive development, attention span, and behavior (3). By limiting our children's exposure to digital technologies and encouraging positive distractions, such as outdoor play and creative activities, we can help them develop healthy habits and lead a fulfilling life.

Distractions are a part of daily life. While positive distractions can be beneficial for our overall well-being, negative distractions can hinder our ability to achieve our goals and lead a fulfilling life. By managing our distractions and being mindful of our exposure to digital technologies, we can improve our ability to focus, be productive, and achieve mastery. As parents and caregivers, it's important to be mindful of how we raise our children in a digital world and encourage positive distractions that support their development and well-being.